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   Intervention & Coiled Tubing Association Canadian Chapter

Canada's voice for the well intervention industry

ICoTA is a not-for-profit, member-funded organization with the primary objective of improving communication and promotion of technical awareness within the well intervention industry.

Our mission is to enhance communication, gather technical expertise, and promote safety, training, competency, and industry accepted practices to the well intervention profession in Canada. 

Upcoming Events

2024 Roundtable Presentations







Benefits of joining ICoTA Canada

As a Chapter member of ICoTA, you'll keep up to date with the latest technology and trends in the well intervention industry as well as make valuable personal and professional contacts.

  • Discounted rates of ICoTA Canada events.
  • Access to the technical library of papers and presentations.
  • Great networking opportunites on a local level through luncheons and various social activities.
  • ICoTA members also have access to ICoTA University E Learning Courses. Contact us to get access codes!

ICoTA Canadian Chapter

PO Box 22050 Bankers Hall
Calgary, AB T2P 4J1

Email :

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