Intervention & Coiled Tubing Association Canadian Chapter
Our mission is to enhance communication, gather technical expertise, and promote safety, training, competency, and industry accepted practices to the well intervention profession in Canada.
Join us November 9th at Landwash Brewery (upstairs loft) - 181 Commonwealth Ave, Mount Pearl , NL at 4 pm for some complimentary beverages and snacks.
The ICoTA Canada Chapter is growing on the East Coast of Canada! We’re hosting a happy hour to do some networking, socializing to further grow the intervention business while supporting a local business!
Customers and service partners are all welcome to attend. This will be open to non-members but you are encouraged to join as a member of ICoTA Canada.
Benefits of joining ICoTA Canada
As a Chapter member of ICoTA, you'll keep up to date with the latest technology and trends in the well intervention industry as well as make valuable personal and professional contacts.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Please RSVP to Jill Hillier -
Best Regards,
ICoTA Canada Chapter
ICoTA Canadian Chapter PO Box 22050 Bankers HallCalgary, AB T2P 4J1