ICoTA Canada - 2023 AGM
On behalf of ICoTA Canada, you are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held at The Calgary Petroleum Club, Calgary, AB.
We will run through our AGM formalities + voting of Directors, this will then be followed by the following keynote presentation:
Advanced Cement Imaging & Biomineralization: A novel solution to plugging and abandoning the “budget busting” wells with Surface Casing Vent Flow

Presented By: John Griffin
Speaker Bio: John Griffin is the Vice President of Sales for BioSqueeze with 15 years of experience in oil and gas operations and engineering. John started his career in 2008 as a field engineer working offshore Gulf of Mexico before relocating to Denver, CO where he now resides. His background is in downhole completion tools, wellbore interventions, and abandonments. John joined BioSqueeze in 2022 to help drive company growth and has been overseeing the expansion into the oil and gas sector and the deployment of the technology into some of the most problematic and expensive onshore wells with surface casing vent flow.

Following the conclusion of the presentation, all guest are invited to stay for a networking mixer where drinks and canapés will be provided.
Please join us, Wednesday, March 27, 2024.
2024 Itinerary
Registration: 3:00 pm
President Remarks + AGM Business: 3:30 pm
Keynote Presentation: 4:00 pm
We are hosting a social networking mixer afterwards!
Register here!